I will spare you all of the back story, but I had narrowed it down to either a USSC 8500 Multi-fuel furnace or a Fahrenheit 50. I was leaning towards the Fahrenheit as it was made in Holland, MI, about an hour and a half from where I live. I figured, keep it local, right? Comparing the two, the Fahrenheit seemed like the natural choice:
Fahrenheit USSC
Thermostat Yes No (Heat settings, etc)
Auto-Ignite Yes No
99% Burn Efficient Yes No (~80%)
Hopper Capacity 116# 240#
Those are just the highlights, seems like a no brainer, right? Well, here is the deal breaker, the base price of the Fahrenheit was $3995, and I could get the USSC for $1999! We had to decide if the extra $2000 was worth it, and we decided it was not. The USSC 8500 it was. So we went to our local farm store, and made the purchase!
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